Worship Offerings

Worship Offerings

Grace and peace to you all,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult and uncertain time.  We are doing our best to keep up to date on the recommendations put forth by the CDC and local health department. 

At this point, we are not planning to physically gather for worship until further notice.  However, there are several ways that we can continue to participate in worship together even though we are scattered.  Weekly worship (Sundays at 8:30am) and Lenten Midweek worship (Wednesdays at 7pm) will be streamed live on Salem’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SalemUCCPlymouthWI/ and will be posted on our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.UCInVH2QzxXT_nbq_IeGNG4Q as well.  For those without internet access, you can call in on the phone and participate as well.  The number to call into is (312) 626 6799 the meeting ID is 656 751 4413.  Our weekly worship services will continue to be available on TV14 on Wednesdays at 7pm and on the radio 1420am on Sundays at 9am.

The Lenten video study will gather by video conference meeting beginning on March 25th. Those with an internet connection can see and contribute to the conversation.  Those without internet access can also call in on the telephone.  If you would like to receive the login information to participate in that, please contact Marsha or the church office.

Marsha is exploring ways to continue to connect with our children and youth through virtual faith formation experiences (Sunday School & Confirmation).  The families of our church will be notified when opportunities are available.  If you know of friends or neighbors that may want to participate, please contact Marsha so an invitation can be made.

Those in need of pastoral care are encouraged to reach out to the church office (894-7456) or directly to Rev Hoppert at 920-838-0405. 

Together, whether gathered or scattered, we are the body of Christ.  During this time of social distancing, please continue to lift one another up so that we may provide the message of the hope we know as people of faith.  This is not a time for fear, but rather a time in which we are called to pay attention to information and do our best to keep all of God’s people safe and healthy.  Arrangements have been made to deliver groceries and run errands (pick up prescriptions, etc) to persons for whom the risk of being in public is too great.  Robbie is willing to visit with and serve as our parish nurse to provide home visits for those who are not showing symptoms of coronavirus.

Being a part of our faith community, we want to continue to offer one another grace and understanding.  We will look for ways to stay connected with others via phone calls, a text or email and social media.  Our circumstances are varied, but we are here to offer love and support one another.  If there is something that you need assistance with, please reach out to the church and we will find a way to help.

The Church office (920-894-7456 churchoffice@salemuccplywi.org)

Rev Jim Hoppert, pastor (920-838-0405 pastorjim@salemuccplywi.org)

Marsha Meyer, director of youth & family ministries (920-838-1466 marsha@salemuccplywi.org)

Robbie Gremminger, parish nurse (920-980-3977)

We continue to be the church during these challenging times.  Even though we are not able to gather in person as a community, the ministry of the church continues.  In order to continue our ministry we ask that you prayerfully consider your financial support of the church’s ministry.  Let us remember who we belong to as we seek to be present and care for one another in these changing times.  Our offices will remain open and our staff is working to develop and provide ongoing spiritual support.

This is a time for us each as individuals and as a church family, to come together and support each other and the ministries of Salem church. Be kind to one another, pray for one another, and keep washing your hands.

Your servants in Christ,

Rev Jim Hoppert, pastor

Marsha Meyer, Director of Youth & Family Ministries