First Notes

First Notes

I don’t bring up this point to boast, but I’ve been told during the last half of my adult life that I’ve got a decent recall for events of the past. I won’t argue with that assessment, but I frankly never thought that being able to do that kind of thing was anything special: I assumed that everyone could do it. Sometimes that sort of thing can be a blessing; other times it can be a curse.

A curse, you might ask? How’s that? For starters, the replay reel of our lives is not just the blessings and triumphs, but also the setbacks and failures. Those failures stick around in the memory bank, too. Add to that the pitfall that a good memory can lead you to being stuck in the way back, and it isn’t all a blessing.

While we can build a foundation from the past and learn from our mistakes, life is lived in the present with an eye to the future. As persons in Christ, we are moving forward. Advent is a reminder that we, as the church, are a people on a journey to a future that God sets before us.

Our theme for this year’s Advent season is “Moving Towards God’s Vision,” and during the Sundays of Advent we will touch on the following themes: November 27th, “Time to Awaken and Be Ready;” December 4th, “The Good News Will Come to All;” December 11th, “Be Patient As the Work of God Unfolds;” December 18th, “The Promise of a Child.”

Each of us, the church, and the world around us has been challenged in so many ways during the past three years, or so. It is time to move forward into the future and not be held captive by the past.

The Advent season will also provide the church with an opportunity to do a multi-generational learning experience on Sunday mornings, and details of that will be included in this month’s newsletter. In addition, we will have a Thursday book study at 10:00 a.m. (starting December 1st) which will look at Adam Hamilton’s book, “Prepare the Way for the Lord.”

As we move forward this month, we will also return to a more traditional schedule of events for the Christmas season. Christmas Eve worship will be at 4:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., with the early service being geared to younger families and the late service featuring candle lighting (Holy Communion will be served at both services). Christmas Day will feature carols, readings, and participation (pre-recorded) from our church school children at 10:00 a.m.–our first in-person Christmas Day worship service in three years.

The Sunday after Christmas (New Year’s Day, this year) will feature carols selected by the congregation, with something extra (details will be coming out on that shortly).

We have a number of things placed on the table in the weeks ahead. I hope that you will be able to join us and be a part of it.

Shalom aleichem—Peace be with you.
Rev. Jim Hoppert