The start of this year’s Lenten pilgrimage is late—March 6th. We will begin Lent with our traditional Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes at 7:00 p.m. On the Lenten Wednesdays that will follow, we will have a five-week study/worship series based on Robert Schnase’s book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Salem’s leadership has spent the better part of two years studying this biblically-based model of viewing ministry, and feel that it has a great deal to offer us at this stage in our congregation’s life. Each week during the Lenten season we will focus on a different practice, and the schedule will be, as follows: March 13th – “The Practice of Radical Hospitality;” March 20th – “The Practice of Passionate Worship;” March 27th – “The Practice of Intentional Faith Development;” April 3rd – “The Practice of Risk-Taking and Service;” “April 10th – “The Practice of Extravagant Generosity.” We will begin each of the Lenten midweek schedule with a simple meal at 5:30 p.m., a time of study around the tables following supper, and then worship (based on the theme of that week) at 7:00 p.m. Copies of the book will be available for those who would like to read about the subject matter in more depth, but one does not have to read the book to participate in each week’s session.
I hope that a number of you will join us around the tables for a time of study and reflection during these Wednesdays in Lent.
I believe that it is a fitting thing that we should study these “Five Practices” during this Lenten season. The “Five Practices” are really a way of sharpening our focus on what it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, and Lent is really about the business of following a Jesus who has “set his face” to go to Jerusalem. Instead of giving something up in the Lenten season, we are taking something on. We are taking discipleship seriously.
May these Lenten days ahead be a time of spiritual enrichment as we follow in the steps of Jesus.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Jim Hoppert