It’s hard to believe, but by the time we reach the end of June the “new” year of 2018 will be half finished (honestly, where does time go?). Before we hit the summer re-loading mode, there are a few things I’d like to discuss.
First, the membership forms. At this writing we have 227 completed forms from Members-in-Covenant and 59 returned from Friends of Salem, which leaves us with about 98 persons not having stated a preference. It would be helpful to the church to receive the updated information and membership preference for those with unstated preferences, so I’m going to make another pitch for a response. Perhaps you just haven’t gotten around to it, or you were confused about which membership fits you best, or were put off by the notion of stating a membership category. If you have a question about which category fits you best, this might be the easiest way to look at it: if you consider yourself to be an active member in full-standing, choosing to be a Member-in-Covenant would likely be the category that fits you best. If you want to be connected to Salem in a less formal way, you would likely choose to be a Friend of Salem. Our purpose in all of this is to find out how persons see their relationship to the church; how you see your relationship to us will not change the way we relate to you.
Second, is in regards to the discussion on potential changes in worship times. The past two years have seen us issue a couple of surveys and, recently, we have had two membership gatherings to discuss the matter—on top of discussion about the topic at Worship Committee, Board of Christian Education and Consistory. After our most recent Board of Christian Education meeting, we were slated to do yet another survey. Then, the light bulb went on: in all of the previous surveys and discussion we had not heard a consensus opinion to move worship times. So, at our most recent Consistory meeting it was decided that we not change the schedule for the time being. That doesn’t mean that a change in worship times won’t ever happen, but absent a strong push from the congregation to do so, it won’t change now. Another consideration that factored into the decision is the fact that Barb Pahr is going to retire as our organist at the end of summer and that we will need to hire a replacement. Would a change in worship times put us at an advantage or a disadvantage in that search? For all those reasons, we opted not to push ahead on a change.
Third, the UCC’s General Synod 32 will be held in Milwaukee from June 21st – 25th, 2019—the first time a meeting of the General Synod will take place on Wisconsin soil. The Wisconsin Conference will face expenses for hosting this event and in an effort to do our part, we, at Salem will be receiving a freewill offering during the month of June to help offset costs. There will be opportunities for folks to serve as volunteers and come to the event as visitors, and we will let folks know about those opportunities as we learn of them.
Fourth, an opportunity to help the ministry of Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. Several years ago, Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. was formed to provide a faith-based drug and alcohol treatment program in Sheboygan County. As a response to the growing epidemic of drug abuse in our area, Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. is developing a facility to help graduates of their addiction abuse program: Sober House. Salem’s Rummage Sale committee voted to donate monies from this year’s sale ($1,000) to that effort and we have invited Samaritan’s Hand, Inc. Director, Kully Kollath, to provide a “mission moment” during our June 17th worship service. A freewill offering will be received that day to support the work of that ministry.
That concludes my laundry list of concerns. May you find opportunities to be out in God’s good creation and find moments of rest and refreshment during these summer months ahead.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Jim Hoppert