Summer moves on and with the time has come changes—changes in the newsletter and changes in posting opportunities for ministry in the church.
Besides the changes in delivery that I mentioned last month, another change that has happened with the Chapel Chimes is that we have added an August issue. Greater efficiency and reduced costs in the changes in how we produce and deliver the newsletter has made this addition possible and desired: much news concerning the upcoming program year would be better to have earlier, and an issue in August would help us to get news out sooner, rather than waiting until September.
For those of you with internet access and an email address, giving us your email address will not only enable you to receive the newsletter (which is the identical newsletter that goes in printed copy), but it will give you access to all of the church notifications, which includes special events, death notices, etc.
The process of signing up for ministry opportunities, such as ushering and hosting coffee hour has also been made easier. We still have the pen-and-paper sign-up sheets located on the wall just to the east of the Gathering Area, but we have expanded the ability to sign-up online. Signing up for ushering, coffee hour hosting (as well as sponsoring bulletins, altar flowers, and radio broadcasts) can be done through Salem’s website— Currently, that sign-up can be found if you click the link on the front page to “Latest News” and scroll about halfway down that “Latest News” page. We are hoping at this writing to be able to create a tab on the website’s front page which will take you immediately to the sign-up page.
We are continually working on ways to make technology an ally in the way that we do ministry. There are still gaps between where we are and where we hope to be, so we ask for your patience and understanding.
Lots of interesting things are coming up in the life of the church in the weeks ahead and the newsletter will detail a good number of them.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Jim Hoppert