To my way of thinking, this is a great time of the year: the warmer-than-usual temperatures in the early spring combined with generous amounts of rainfall have led to early blooming of flowers, bushes, and shrubs. The lilacs in our yard, which don’t usually bloom for us until shortly before Memorial Day, have already hit peak bloom last week. It’s not hard to imagine the fine days of June being right around the corner. June will here sooner than we think.
With the arrival of June also comes my scheduled sabbatical leave. As I mentioned in last month’s Chapel Chimes, I will be taking sabbatical leave during the month of June to write some choral anthems and that the church office will have pastors to be contacted in the event of emergencies. During my absence we will also have guest pastors filling in to lead worship
on Sunday mornings. Here is the list of who will be preaching on the various Sundays: June 2nd—Rev. Dr. Fred Trost; June 9th—Rev. Greg Whelton; June 16th –Rev. Dr. Karl Kuhn;
June 23rd – Rev. Keith Weiland. On June 30th we will have a hymn sing. I know that the congregation’s worship needs will be well cared for in my absence.
I ask that you will keep me in your prayers in the weeks ahead, that the time away will be a fruitful one that will bear some benefit for the congregation upon my return. In return, I will
keep all of you in my prayers, as well. May God’s care hold all of you safely in this time ahead.
With that, I conclude.
Your servant in Christ
Rev. Jim Hoppert