When this newsletter gets to you, the start of another program year will be soon upon us. So much has happened during the summer months in the way of special events and preparation for the upcoming year that the time has once again passed so quickly.
The Christian Education programming year will begin on September 5th with the start of Confirmation and will get into full swing on September 9th, when the Sunday morning Christian Education schedule resumes. Although we are still looking for someone to oversee the working of our church school, our classrooms, teachers, and helpers are ready to begin the new year. Our Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Marsha Meyer, is particularly enthusiastic about a new curriculum, Picture the Bible, which will be used in grades 3-4, and for a Sunday morning adult study (Marsha will have more details about the latter in her newsletter offering). The curriculum offers a fresh way to make the familiar stories come alive, and I, too, am enthusiastic about this introduction.
Salem’s music program had undergone some transitions during the summer months, as well. Brittany Seifert was hired to be our new musical accompanist and has already begun her transition into the job during the month of August, while Barb Pahr also finished her last scheduled Saturday and Sunday worship services during this time. On Sunday, September 16th, Salem will have the opportunity to recognize and give thanks for Barb’s long faithful service on behalf of our music ministry. Barb has been an organist at Salem from 1969 – 1994 and, again, from 1996-2018, not only providing accompaniment for congregational signing, but for choirs, soloists, and church school departments, as well. I hope that all of you can join us in extending a well-deserved “thank you” to Barb for so many years of faithful service.
I have two final notes to add before I conclude this month’s front page. First, I want to make you aware that, in the coming weeks, Salem’s Church and Ministry Committee will be sending out an important mailing concerning church membership. Second, I want to inform you that I am scheduled for surgery to remove an over-active and toxic thyroid in early September and will have to spend two weeks recuperating before returning to work (and there is no evidence to suggest that this is anything but a benign goiter). We will have Rev. Dr. Karl Kuhn from Lakeland University and the Rev. Nathan Athorp, Managing Director of Pilgrim Center filling in the preaching duties and our emergency pastoral needs will be filled by the Rev. Kristal Klemme and the Rev. Greg Whelton. (If you have pastoral needs, please contact the church office, however, as we want to direct all communication through our people).
I ask for your thoughts and prayers for a routine surgery and an uneventful recovery.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Jim Hoppert