Youth & Family Ministries – September 2020

Youth & Family Ministries – September 2020

Here we go…. At this point in the summer, I thought we would have a clearer picture of how we plan to move forward with our faith formation ministries this fall. This pandemic does not seem to be cooperating with any of the plans that I have tried to make. Thank you all for your feedback to the recent survey I sent to our Sunday School and Confirmation families. Your perspective has helped to shape the vision for how we will ‘gather’ to be the church in our faith formation ministries this fall. 

Our fall program year is scheduled to begin on September 13 for Sunday School. There may be opportunities for us to gather in-person outdoors for Sunday School when the weather cooperates. When that is not possible, we will gather on Zoom first as a large group, then we plan to break into ‘classrooms’ in age groups for further exploration. Either way, the families involved will be notified as to how we plan to meet week to week by text and/or email. Please register your son(s)/daughter(s) HERE for Sunday School. Confirmation will take a thinking outside of the box approach as well. Please register your son(s)/daughter(s) HERE for Confirmation. More details will be sent the first week in September. 

Youth fellowship groups will begin meeting in October. JR Youth is open to students grades 3-6 and SR Youth is open to students grades 7-12. 

Some things coming up on the horizon:

  • Back to school take home dinner for families
  • One more drive-in movie before it gets too cold
  • Conversations about communion with children and youth
  • Faith in an Anxious World study (4wks) for High School students & adults

 I have been thinking of and praying for all of you in the past weeks. If there is anything that we can do to help support your family as we transition back to school, please reach out and let me know.  Thank you for your patience and prayers as we navigate through this together. 

The work of the church is ongoing. We just wrapped up our fundraising efforts to help St Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Monrovia, Liberia (in West Africa) fund a solar power project. They are so grateful that we have taken this on and are partnering with them. We had a goal to raise $2500. I am overjoyed to share that as I write this, we have received over $3800 between the funds raised from our drive thru brat fry, our most recent drive-in movie night, and through personal donations. Because of the generosity from the people in our church and community, we are able to bless them with additional funds so that they can expand the scope of their project! God is always at work. Thank you all for your generous hearts in helping to make this happen for our neighbors in Africa. 

Peace and love,
