The virus continues to drive the story and as the virus changes, so does the story. With the emergence of the Delta variant of virus, we’ve learned some things about how things stand. While I don’t claim any medical expertise, I have done a lot of reading in the past sixteen months and have tried to keep current as much as I can on new developments; it’s all part of the job description these days. Here is what I feel, with reasonable certainty, is true:
The Delta variant appears to be more contagious than the original Alpha strain; so far it is not showing itself to be more deadly.
“Breakthrough” cases—people coming down with the virus after being vaccinated—have happened and it does not appear to be a rare thing.
Vaccination does appear to significantly increase a person’s chances of not being seriously infected.
Some form of the virus will remain with us, permanently. Delta has shown us that. Zero COVID isn’t going to happen. We will have to live in a world where the virus is a thing. Hopefully, it becomes more like the seasonal flu in its impact.
What I’ve shared with you isn’t the rosiest picture, but it is, I feel, an accurate picture. Ultimately, we live in the world as it is and not as we would like it to be.
That said, we will make some adjustments to our proposed schedule as it was presented in last month’s newsletter, per the recommendation of the Worship Team and approval by the Consistory. We will continue to meet in person at 10:30 a.m. in September as we had in August. We will continue to live-stream at 8:30 a.m. We will still to plan to meet in person for Christian Education and Confirmation. If persons wish to mask, they should feel fee to do so. As always, things are always subject to change, so please keep on the lookout for notices.
Given the recent uptick in cases for our areas and the hesitancy that some people have for being in public settings, we are postponing the Jonah musical for late February (which seems to be the next workable window in the life of the church). I will keep you updated when there is more news.
When it is all said and done, there may be no “easy” way forward. We can take reasonable precautions, but there will never be an elimination of risk in this life. The worst thing we can do is to let ourselves be governed by fear. Fearful minds are not effective minds and a fearful spirit is not a faithful spirit.
Shalom aleichem—Peace be with you.
Rev. Jim Hoppert