Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, January 31st

2021 ANNUAL MEETING: to include Consideration of Amendments to
Salem’s Constitution

The Consistory has decided to include the proposed amending of Salem’s Constitution (addition of Article
X, as described below) as part of the agenda for the Congregation’s 2021 Annual Meeting. If the proposed
amendment is approved, a motion to suspend portions of the Constitution will also be considered at
the same meeting. The portions of the Constitution being considered for suspension deal with size and
elections of the Consistory and Officers of the Congregation. It will allow us to try a different approach to
how we structure and manage church activities and mission and test it before we decide whether to change
the By-laws or Constitution. Copies of the existing Constitution with highlights and notes explaining the
proposed changes are available. You may contact the office to request an email copy. If you are not
able to accept email, the office can mail a hardcopy version to you. The proposed text of the amendment
Section 1. Any Article(s), Section(s) or Subsection(s) of the Constitution may be suspended for a period not
to exceed one year, if approved by a two-thirds majority.

Section 2. The suspension of any Article(s), Section(s) or Subsection(s) may be continued (for the same or a
different period of time), provided it is approved by a two-thirds majority, at a meeting as specified in the
By-laws. If the period of suspension lapses without further action, the Constitution will revert to the
language of the original Article(s), Section(s) or Subsection(s).

Section 3. The membership shall be informed of any meeting as specified in the By-laws.