2025 Lenten Series “Lent In Plain Sight”

2025 Lenten Series “Lent In Plain Sight”

In the coming weeks of Lent we will follow the journey of Jesus. Each week will focus on ‘an ordinary’ object that Jesus encountered on his journey. Lent in Plain Sight offers simple daily devotions that will lead us from Ash Wednesday to Easter. We will learn together and find meaning in these ordinary objects through scripture, prayer, and reflection- how to take notice and be more open to the kingdom of God.

Please join us each Wednesday starting March 5th for food, fellowship and faith formation at 5:30pm, ending by 7:30pm; all in our Fellowship Hall. Books are available in the church office.

March 5- DUST

As you begin this Lenten journey, whom do you remember? Who has walked with you when you have reached your limits and helped you get through that difficult season?

March 12- BREAD

When have you been responsible for feeding others? What was that like for you? What are some meals that are memorable to you? What made them so?

When have you thought of something as ‘bread from heaven’? What was it? Why did you label it as such?

When have you experienced a ‘loaves & fishes’ miracle? What happened?

What is life-giving for you? How do you experience Jesus in those life-giving moments?

March 19 – CROSS

What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? What can we do to honor Christ’s sacrifice- what actions can you have toward others that emulates Christ’s actions for us?

How many of you wear a cross; do you wear it all the time or only to church? Why do you wear it and when you see someone else wearing a cross what does that signify to you?

March 26- COINS

Everyone has gifts to share. How do we invite the people to share their gifts that are life-giving and not exploitive?

April 2: SHOES

Whose shoes have you tried to fill in your life? Or whose footsteps have you followed?

Have you ever been surprised by a gracious response when you expected judgement? Have you ever offered grace to someone expecting your judgement?

April 9: COATS

When have you been moved to throw your coat on the road? In other words, when have you given away something with abandon, without calculating the cost or worrying about the consequences? What happened?

Do you or have you ever worn clothing that reflected your role or job? If so, did people respond to you differently when you wore it? How did you feel about being identified by those garments?

Maundy Thursday-April 17: OIL

Can you remember a time when God ministered to you when you were ‘walking through the valley of the shadow of death’?

What are you running low on right now, in your life of faith? How can you replenish it?

When have you been moved with pity to go toward someone in the ditch? Literally or figuratively? What did you do once you got there?

Have you ever been physically cared for by a stranger? When has someone poured oil and wine on your wounds?

Is it meaningful or empty to tell someone you are praying for them or to have someone tell you that you are in their thoughts and prayers?

Maundy Thursday- April 17: TOWELS

When have you served someone in a physical way, fed someone, or washed someone? Who was it? Has anyone served you in a physical way? What was that like for you?

Good Friday-April 18: THORNS

What does Good Friday look like to you?

A crown of thorns provides us insight into what?

If a crown of thorns represents humility, sacrificial love and suffering for our sins- how do you feel knowing all he has done to redeem us? Would you have been willing to do the same?

Easter- April 20: STONES

Why do we need to be reminded of our finitude, our dustiness? How does God work within and through our limits?